Your teeth can run into the health problems when you least expect it. Most of these problems result from food, drinks and your hygiene habits. Additionally, regular use of drugs and other chemical compounds can also elevate the risk of harbouring bacteria and microorganisms in your teeth. A dental abscess is a perfect example of the infections that attack your teeth. In this case, a pocket of pus develops on different parts of your tooth due to bacterial growth. The result is moderate to severe pains radiating around the tooth, neck and ear tissues. Here is a discussion detailing the crucial details that you need to know:

Types of Dental Abscess

Dental abscesses come in different forms. Usually, their classification depends on the location of the abscess, and the popular types of include:

  • Periodontal abscess – periodontal abscess occurs at the root of your tooth and next to the gum. Its location makes it easy for the infection to spread to the bone and surrounding tissues.
  • Gingival abscess – gingival abscess, also called gum abscess, occurs when the bacteria in your mouth infect the space between the gums and the teeth.
  • Periapical abscess – periapical abscess occurs at the tip of the roots. The infection spreads rapidly to the other parts if left unattended.

Signs that You Have a Dental Abscess

Looking out for signs of a dental abscess is essential for timely intervention. The longer the infection stays, the more severe and life-threatening it becomes. First, look out for pain radiating around the jaws, neck and ears. The tissues in these areas interconnected and the pain radiates effortlessly from one point to the other. Secondly, look out for tooth sensitivity and swollen gums. The abscess can also lead to bad breath, foul taste in the mouth and severe pain when you lie down.

Treating the Dental Abscess

The treatment procedures for dental abscess focus on pain relief and clearing the affected area of the infection. Some of the treatment alternatives used by dentists include:

  • Draining the infected area – draining is the simplest form of treatment for dental abscess. Here, your dentist makes an incision in the swollen area to remove the pus. They finish by cleaning the infected tissues with a saline solution to keep it from spreading.
  • Root canal procedure – root canal procedures are carried out to drill the infected tooth, drain the pus and extract all the infected pulp tissue. The dentist finishes by sealing the exposed chamber to prevent any further infections.
  • Oral antibiotics – your dentist will prescribe antibiotics if the abscess infection spread beyond the tooth to other areas. The antibiotics boost your immune system to fight the raging infection.

If you suspect you have a dental abscess, don't hesitate to ring your dentist to schedule an appointment right away. 
